Originally Posted by cgall
Did anyone else notice that Precious drove the Ziptie in the first round and it broke on the burnout. Then Britt says something in Memphis-bonics about how he had to go thru the dumpster to find an old flexplate for the car and it broke. Then about ten pairs later Tricia is driving the Ziptie and she outruns the Hummingbird just prior to the crash. I'm not going to say the crash and the actual races down the road are staged, but a lot of this show is as fake and scripted as can be. If you look during the side interviews at the right side of the track there is corn 3 feet high. Then during the racing rounds during January the field is stripped. The show was filmed over a several month period and edited to make it appear to be a weekend race.

Mempbonics! LOL

Speaking of the flexplate. Did anyone else notice the sparks that came out from under Tricia’s car just before JJ had his problem. I wonder if the flexplate or bolts gave up again.