Originally Posted by Rhinodart
Originally Posted by moparx
the only thing i can think of, is why bother buying a bike if all you do is sit on it ? shruggy
kind of defeats the purpose of owning one, in my opinion.
yes, i'm old and kind of set in my ways. laugh2

Exactly. I ride a motorcycle for the individuality being in the wind, nothing freer feeling than that! I accept the risks and challenges, don't need nanny watching out for me... tsk

You can still buy LOTS of bikes WITHOUT any of those "nanny" features, and on the nanny feature bikes you can turn off or defeat 95% of those functions. You guys ride for recreation and the "feeling", there are some riders even the most experienced that ride bikes for transportation or for long ride adventure and rely on features like ABS, traction control, condition adjustment and even down to the most simply of nanny control a self-canceling turn signal. Ever forget to cancel your turn signal and find out how unsafe that is when nanny turns across in front of you because she thought you signaled you where turning too? I have just a little motorcycle riding experience and not riding for very long but I appreciate all of the built in functions that helps ME to control and do things better than my experience allows me too. The rider still is in control and still has to perform but I like having ABS braking when nanny pulls out in front of me like I'm not even there or to have traction control when that old Plymouth puts down a patch of crankcase oil at the traffic light or when nanny's dog runs out in front of me or someone doesn't look both ways and steps of the curb......and on and on and on. If your kid wanted to buy a motorcycle and they had a choice of a raw hyper bike without ANY nanny controls or one with, which one would you hope they buy? Tough to pass on in an instance all of your decades of riding experience to them and explain about "don't forget to cancel your turn signal or watch out for slick spots on the road or "I had a deer jump out in front of me while I was relaxed and feeling the wind so always be careful and don't drop your guard because me and nanny won't be there for you", You can still turn that nanny stuff off but why? That stuff has nothing to do with having fun riding a motorcycle and doing it with a little more safety. That self-riding bike is NOT a riderless bike of the future it was developed to study rider input and motorcycle reaction to those imputs, and to put those functions into computerized form instead of a rider trying to explain what happens when he turns the bars slightly to the right and the motorcycle goes left for some strange reason........................you guys with lots of motorcycle riding experience ever try to explain that to someone that doesn't ride? laugh2
