I agree the tech is cool. I would really feel freaked out riding a bike and not being in control. It is counter intuitive for me but I think the tech is cool.

With all tech there comes new dangers from those not intelligent enough to use it properly. When houses had Gas lighting in homes there came the danger of gas fires and suffocation from CO2. Electricity helped get rid of problems but brought about electrocution risks.
Plastics created convenience but also trash that won't biodegrade.
Cell phones apps like facebook can cause depression and loss of social skills because of limited face to face social interaction. Social interaction is integral to being a mentally healthy person.
The list is enormous.

All tech helps with and causes problems. When people stop being responsible drivers/riders because the tech allows them too it can be a problem.

In the end the question will be are more lives saved than lost? I think it will save lives but I would be freaked using one at first.