If I remember correctly, Randy himself said he's getting a little bored just doing the walk around videos and that's why he's been doing roadtrips.

Can you imagine just how screwed him and Mike would have been if they had had the Scamp in the blizzard instead of the Buick? shock

Speaking of the Buick, that was a pretty sweet piece in all it's '70's green glory.

Randy reminds me of a guy I worked for 20 yrs ago. This guy owned and ran a Used Car lot, no YouTube back then. This guy was CONSTANTLY flipping (his personal) cars, houses, Rolex's, 'bout the only thing in this guy personal life he didn't flip was his Wife and kids, and he probably would have done that too if he could have found a legal loop hole. Where he totally lost me was when he flipped a '54 (?) Corvette he had been after for almost 20 yrs back then. When I first started working for him, I heard many a story of this 'Vette and how he was gonna restore it and take his Wife cruisin' etc, etc. He FINALLY managed to buy it, and he sold it off less than a day later. confused shruggy


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥