Originally Posted by VS29H0B
A fool and his money applies...the appearance alone should have been enough to not buy that steaming pile. That rear wing and the painted bumpers are repulsive.

And he paid something like 20k for that.... car. Now, I loves me an A-body.... but, I don't see anywhere near that in either parts or in one piece in that car. Overpaid heavily.

And I'm getting REALLY annoyed by idgits who claim there were 340 Scamps, or that nincompoop on the Youtubes who claims his FOUR DOOR is a Scamp. Like.... these children must think that since they've never played with a car, nobody else has either. So, if somebody named Cletus put a 340 in a Scamp in 1978.... well, that must be factory option!!

Or even simpler things like.... a dash hacked to fit a PIONEER-branded cassette deck into a 1971 Gremlin. "I think this is a factory option" said one child.

But, I guess if they're young enough.... they don't understand that once upon a time, you could buy a stereo in a store and put it in your car. But because we don't do that today, there's no way possible people did that in 1971. Nor anywhere in the intervening 50 years.

It should be called UNCommon Sense. 'Cuz brother, it ain't common no more!

Last edited by That AMC Guy; 02/28/22 08:18 PM.

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