
I lubed the lifters on the bottom and sides and made sure they spin looslely.

Do not lube the sides of the lifters with the thick break in paste. The paste is for the lifter face and cam lobes only. If you put it on the sides it can prevent the lifters from spinning enough. Motor oil is all you need on the rest of the lifter and the lifter bores in the block.

There was a problem with bad lifters. Some were soft, some didn't have enough crown, some had the crown ground off center, and some were all of the above. If your lifters have been sitting on a dealers shelf for a few years, there's a good chance you got junk. I would only trust obviously very old lifters or very recent lifters.

Last edited by GomangoCuda; 04/25/09 08:52 PM.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.