Originally Posted by 330Scott

You mentioned a Will. May I suggest that you look into, and strongly consider, a Revocable Trust instead. I apologize if this sounds rather sterile, but typically if a person has a Trust, there are better tax consequences and more asset flexibility than a will. So both a Will and a Trust have to do with the survivors. Yet another reason why people will not discuss them.

The biggest advantage is that once a person passes away and the PoA immediately becomes null, the person(s) who have been designated as Surviving Trustees now have the legal right to make decisions regarding the deceased and their property. Trusts are so much better when settling an estate. You have not mentioned any surviving current or ex spouses or other family members. I won't go there other than to say that my mother's trust saved my brother and I some big headaches from other family members.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and responces!

Yea, I'm an only child so her mentality is "everything goes to you" and I'm sure any beneficiary named on life insurance, investments, etc, I'm it. But, she doesn't understand or acknowledge that when she passes I can't just "take over" her stuff at that point. She doesn't discuss her finances which I'm sure by now is a wreck and she insists my name is on the deed to the house she owns. Dunno, sounds like a mess.