Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by Rhinodart
I think a resurgence of swap meets will happen in the near term until the cashless society is finally rammed down our throats in toto... mad

I strongly AGREE with your comment about a
cashless society
and that is exactly what they are pushing for.
I can understand the reasoning but their execution IMO is once again going after the poor and middle class while ignoring the loopholes for the uhh whistling
before I left ca n 94 they had people from the State franchise tax board cruising the swap meets logging License plate #'s.
If one was caught selling at more than two (I think) swap meets a yearthey would classify you as a dealer and require you to get a tax license, start charging and reporting sales tax. A friend of mine blew them off, later got busted and was fined quite heavily.

Absolute BS and time for another tea party folks twocents

MN has something similar. Greed for that sales tax revenue.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".