Originally Posted by jcc
Consider this, nobody likes getting smacked on the head with a metal baseball bat.

If you think if I put foam on the bat it won't still do some damage to your skull, have at it.

Unfortunately, there is no good low risk solution for a non helmeted driver in a caged street car, no matter how belted.

Inches matter.

My local 1/8 mile track has 7.40 as the cutoff and I've gone 7.56 so far. So I'm getting close to decision time after whittling down the ET over the years starting with 8.30s.

The thing is, I like to take my family for rides to cruise nights or just a trip to the grocery store and there doesn't seem to be any safe way to do this with a bar. So I'll probably try to get it to run as close to a 7.40 as possible without going under and then stop trying to make it any quicker.

I feel more comfortable making 90+ mph passes at the 1/8 mile track with just a lap belt than I would driving around in traffic with a bar next to my or a family member's head with no helmet.