Originally Posted by MoparMarq
Thanks for the input guys. Ordered a pair of 3 degree 2.5" wide shims from Summit. In theory, the 2.9 degrees down at the trans should pair fairly well with the (new) 2.3 degrees up at the diff. The XHD springs (6 leaves right, 7 left) and my old f--t driving style should minimize the spring wrap-up. Time will tell...

As an aside, I forgot how helpful the folks on here are, and how civilized and mature the behavior is. It's a breath of fresh air compared to much of the behavior I witness on the Supra forum.

Let us know how those angles work for you. Double check those springs - I don’t recall ever seeing more leafs on the driver side.

The spring with the most leafs in the front half goes on the passenger side.