Originally Posted by Wirenut
Hi All,
I need some advice on how to proceed , or navigate through a situation I have found myself in. We own a 65 Bel 2 convertible . We have had it for 25 years or so . Bought as a fixer upper and did just that. Its a great looking , great driving , driver . A month or so ago a tree fell on the car across the 1/4s and deck lid, and all needs to be replaced. Fairly heavy damage . Heavy enough where I'm sure it needs some time on a frame machine.

The car is well insured for stated value . This is not a hagerty policy but a reputable well known Insurer none the less. They sent an "adjuster" over to look at and estimate it. He walked in took 3 pics and put together an unrealistically low estimate . Such as 1/4 panels @ $750 each , labor @ $52 per hour , no time on a frame machine ect. . Granted he stated the cost are subject to change . It just didnt make sense to me why they wasted the money to pay this guy ? Since he came up with this estimate they are calling me daily wanting to settle ($5800.00 ) . At this point I have stopped taking their calls. But thats not a solution

The dilemma's are :

No regular body shops are interested , as I would have expected . I have called 4 restoration shops within reasonable distance. All of these shops are large and well staffed , well equipped . What scares me about them is the attitude I'm sensing . I guess I would describe it as arrogant and I feel like they really aren't interested . The comments have been things like "of course we can help but we are booked out 6-8 months and not sure when we can look at it . Or one guy offered to estimate it but he needed the car for 3 days and estimates the estimate might cost $500.00. Is it because it involves collision work and they are afraid of it?

I had one guy that was nice enough to come look at it . He is a one man band , older gent that has been around for a long time . He spent about an hour looking it over and talking ideas with me . When I showed him the estimate he became kind of irritated and maybe discouraged at the thought of having to deal with an insurance co and adjusters. I think he may have had enough of that when he owned a collision shop . I'm waiting for his estimate .

Maybe I should pay someone to estimate it ?

I guess to boil it down maybe I'm feeling like the big shops may be overkill for this car ? But in the same respect I didnt want to just get one estimate and opinion on how to fix it. I'm rambling now , sorry.

Thought I was looking for advice but maybe just needing to vent and see what comes back.

Thanks for reading

I am an independent auto appraiser that has worked both on behalf of insurance companies and consumers. Couple things.

Initial estimate means nothing. Labor rates written are also meaningless at this point as this is restorartion work and not regular collision work.

You need to pick the shop you want to do the repairs. If they have a 6 month back log, then so be it. Once they get the car into the shop if they need additional time/money/parts they will supplement the ins co's original appraisal.

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me and we can chat.


Last edited by mgoblue9798; 09/15/21 03:45 PM.