At this point I would not waste any time or money with single stage, a lot of the color toners are being discontinued so in the future you are back to the same problem if it ever needs work. If that is a picture of the truck, base clear will be way to shiny to ever look right unless you use matte clear, or a blend. Any shop that looks at that paint knows it will be a problem to make you happy with a repair, near impossible to match, and if they go base clear it will show every flaw, in other words it needs bodywork and blocking, to match the part they repair. Nightmare situation for any shop. The insurance will also see the dents in the front fender, at least it looks dented in the pic, and not pay for a repaint. The value of a total is the most you will get, it is the chance you take to drive an older vehicle, it becomes worthless to everyone but you, so you need a stated value policy.