So last Wednesday I was out in my 88 Ramcharger, and while stopped in the drive through the guy who pulled in behind me floored the gas, instead of using the brake.

It did a good amount of damage to the back of the Ramchagrer, bumper, rear hatch, and passenger quarter panel.

I took it to a body shop recommended by a friend (also my mechanic) and in the initial discussion the painter stated that it was going to be really hard to match the paint since it was a single stage, non-factory color, and of unknown age. I requested they bid the job as a full repaint if the colors, and metal flake patterns, weren't going to match.

I got the estimate today and its quoted as a blending, and using a two stage base clear on the rear hatch, and 1/4 panel.

Do I need to ask them to please redo the quote and include a full repaint, or can a two stage be matched to a single stage and not cause problems down the road with the clear coat peeling, or metal flake not matching, other issues I don't know about because I am not a body and paint guy?


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