Originally Posted by DynoDave
A pretty thorough switch to the blue color. Surprising they didn't remove the hood pad.

Which color are you going with this time?

While it is kind of tempting to go back to original and paint the car the original color yellow, my stepdad already has his mind made up on the blue. That's one of the reasons he bought the car in the first place, he loves the blue because he wanted something different. I too like the yellow with a white top but I like blue A LOT more too though. To me yellow is ok but it's not really too eye catching as blue. Yeah they did everything half ass on this car it seems, it looked good in certain light you know a good 10-20 footer but when you got close to it the imperfections would show.

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)