A number of lumber mills closed down during the pandemic. Challenges with outbreaks among workers. Tariffs on Canadian wood figure in too.

Prices on wood will go down, It may take 9 months or so.

Price other building materials besides wood. They have all gone up too. Windows, copper, any bath item that is not a commodity loss leader at HD or Lowes. I looked at buying some flagstone for a patio last spring. I was taken aback. I'd guess it is more now.

Indiana, Ohio, Illinois; those places one can buy old stock housing for bottom dollar. Places that are growing, anywhere west of and including Denver in Colorado for instance, have out of this world prices for, land, existing housing stock, and new homes. The next challenge will be when folks with no equity have to weather a downturn. Plus the lack of water in the American West slowly and steadily moves forward.

I also look at labor costs. They are huge. So many subcontractors 25 or so years ago had somewhat aged single seat trucks. Now it seems as if they all have new 3/4 ton crew cabs. Those costs are passed through too.

Gens X, Y, and Z will need deep pockets.