
How about that.

I didn't think the button was a problem becasue I was already using the SG in a 741 case w/ 3.91 gears and stock axles w/ green bearings originally.

Over the winter i discovered that my vibration problem was mostly due to the poor build on the 3rd member so I rebuilt a spare 489 chunk with the SG and 3.73 gears.

It turns out is that my installation problem was due to me not having the side gears lined up right when rebuilding the SG.

I tell ya though turning that half in axle to get it lined up was no picinic. I was just about to give up and pull the whole thing apart when I gave her one good last try. At most i could turn the axle about 1/16 of a turn and I ended up turnit a full 1/3 to finally get it lined up.

At least now you know if you have the same issue. If one axle doesn't go all of the way in don't panic just get the other side all put together, put the wheel on, set her down and block the wheel and get ready to sweat!

i took 2 old axles and cut the ends of them off to make a holer and alignment shaft for reaseemebly , it's still takes a little to get them straight as I have had the stub get stuck in the unit from misalignment . I have a couple to do for myself for 2 different chucks of my own and I think I'm going to buy 1 piece side gears .