Originally Posted by jcc
So please share the basics, I guess I get it's hybrid drag racing started from a roll, but who decides the speed, is there a starting line, who decides if both cars are lined up properly, where is the finish line, it can be done anywhere(?), and what problem or attribute does it solve or highlight, to start the discussion?

All the other personal preferences, slights, etc, I'll use my time honored response, "I don't care". biggrin

Ok, this is a reasonable request here. The basics: from what I've seen, there's a little more timing equipment and personnel used to monitor racers and honesty. Races are usually started at 55 or 60 mph and once a predetermined point is crossed, racers do their thing. The advantages, I've been told, are this type of racing is much easier on the car and components themselves than a dig race off the line .

These races are usually held at runways or oval race tracks.
There is tech and safety inspections and drivers meetings
Just like any form of racing, you have to set your car up for it.