Thank you very much for the info.

I think it is great to check things out and post the info, it's not like these are secrets or anything.
Posting things like that is a pretty thankless task but it helps others out.

I've tried to do that when I had the chance and years later had someone mention it,
but it tended to happen more often when information was actively archived instead of allowed to die
after 2 years as it is currently.

Maybe some of the perception that people take these out of the box and throw them together is caused
by folks not always giving credit to those who were hired to do the build and make all the decisions...
Or, even when credit is given, small details like this might not have been documented.
That's my fault for wasting time trying to guess stuff like that....there is no accounting for human nature.

It doesn't really add much to the conversation but I had tons of room in this World iron K1 4.500.
I think I eyeballed it somewhere near 1/4"/not worth measuring.


Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri