Originally Posted by mrob
like Derale suggests, turning on fans sequentially. My main question what temps to turn each fan on/off?

With a 180F thermostat, I'm guessing Fan 1 - On at 185F, Off at 180F, Fan 2 - On at 190F, Off at 185F?

that's basically what I'm saying and why I made the diagram on the way I did. Just including the A/C compressor signal to turn on the secondary fan having reached or not the temp... because eventually will reach it anyway and will add more cool to the A/C system

Here is a thread where I initally posted that diagram and the dual temp switch varieties with temp ranges available from the regular market... thread sizes and all. Mostly sure would require thead adapters. Most of these are from European cars such as Fiats, Mercedes, Alfa Romeos. Sure the temp rates are in celsious ( the website I found was from Italy ), but the Farenheit conversion is easy and I'm pretty sure some of these should be available from Mopar dealers being Chrysler now FCA ( Fiat )


several interesting temp rates from those.

It took me HOURS ( if not days ) untill find those switches options on the web with PNs


As mentioned the diagram was made based on a guy not using ammeter, but if using ammeter, relays MUST be sourced from alt stud

Plugs for these temp switches should be available from auto parts just like switches itself

Last edited by NachoRT74; 10/29/20 03:59 PM.

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela