As a fellow (former) gout victim, I'll tell you this (from my experience):
- Docs like to initially treat gout with anti-inflammatories. That treats the symptoms, not the cause.
- I also have high blood pressure. My [i]former[/i] doc prescribed a concoction of medication (to include anti-inflammatories) that was toxic. I was in renal failure before it was figured out, and my kidney's are still far from "good."
- My advice: Make sure your doc deals with the cause. If they dick you around, request a referral to a rheumatologist.

For those that haven't experienced gout, it's extremely painful. I've had several broken bones, herniated disks in my back and multiple surgeries for various reasons. Broken bones don't compare to the pain of a bad gout attack.

Good luck john. Proceed with caution and do your own research on the combination of drugs you take (that goes for everyone). I used to put my life in my doctors hands. Not anymore...