I was told it's most common to affect the toes, but mine stopped short and affected my ankle, my right inner ankle to be specific.

It actually started last week. All of a sudden, for no apparent reason, my ankle REALLY started hurting and my foot swole up to the point I had to untie my shoe. Had no idea what caused it, didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Ice packs and heat soaks only made a difference with the swelling, so after a week of limping around, I went to the Doctor today.

Still not 100% clear what set it off. I don't drink (never have). Aside from the occasional burger, I seldom have red meat, I usually have chicken. While I'm not the healthiest eater, I try to be mindful of what I eat.

Doctor is supposed to email me some info. In the meantime I'm poking around online to try and figure out what changes I need to make.

Grateful its not the dreaded 'big C' but still pretty bummed right now. frowwn


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥