Originally Posted by 74DartSport
The aftermarket will come around, it’ll just take time. Third gen Sebring/200 convertible for example, the tops are a nightmare. Dealers won’t touch them or will just f you over. You used to need the factory scanner to work on them. Now there’s this - https://appcar-diagfca.com/en/ . A laptop, a dongle, and this software and you can do anything the factory used to do. Beta version out right now you can program keys and pull pin codes.

I picked that app up a couple years ago and it's fairly slick. What it lacks in rudimentary screen management it makes up for in simplicity, power and price. Yea, I did pick it up to chase a 200 convertible problem but oddly enough fixed it before getting the scanner to capture data during a failure in progress. I've heard plenty of stories about dealers not being able to fix the roof or even adequately diagnose it and that's mostly because they never see one and the tech de jour is too lazy to figure it out - the FSM covers it well enough that I figured out it with a few pirated pages.

fwiw: this is the problem 90% of the time:
