Last Saturday I was looking at the local Craigslist auto parts section, and a guy who often advertises a lot of 68 to 70 B body Mopar parts put up a new ad. The ad had about 10 photos, most of what he lists are for Coronet and Road Runner parts. I saw in the background of one of the pictures, what appeared to be a 70 Charger right front fender. So I gave him a call, and sure enough, it was a 70 Charger right front fender! These are getting very hard to come by these days, so I said I would be there in about 40 minutes. I got there and the fender was 95% solid and straight, with no filler on it. I paid a bit more than I wanted to for it,but some times you have to pay for a good part! Anyone else find some hard to find parts,or good parts scores lately?


70 Charger R/T SE 472 Hemi 70 Charger R/T convertible 70 Charger R/T V Code Sixpack 69 Charger R/T SE Sunroofcar 68 Charger 383 68 Charger 318 71 Charger R/T 70 Challenger convertible 71 Challenger convertible 71 Cuda 340 09 Challenger R/T Classic