Originally Posted by DrCharles
Originally Posted by moparjim79
Originally Posted by Satilite73

I'm using the 'ignore' user feature.

Its kinda nice actually.


Wouldn't be for a certain Doctor, would it?

Hey! What'd I do? runaway

There are only a couple of people on my ignore list - one in this thread whistling Unfortunately, although their posts are blocked, when someone quotes them, the post shows up in the quote. Wish there was some way to just not see their drivel - period.

This is an upside to being on a ignore list, I get to sincerely speak my mind, like using "pusillanimously" , and not have to deal with all the below the belt replies by any Dr's about "drivel". up

Now don't anyone quote me here, heaven forbid anybody have to read a thought that is divergent from those who are above scrutiny. biggrin

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.