Originally Posted by Alaskan_TA
It is the dog owners responsibility to keep the dog under control and out of the street.
Exactly. Civil matter, but it's the owner's responsibility to have control of the dog at all times. Should have had a better, newer leash is the bottom line. If car owner's insurance doesn't pay, sue dog owner.

Remember, this is the NEW America. NEVER take responsibility for anything. Blame the leash, it was defective. Blame the sidewalk if you can. It had big crack, and dog had to leave it to walk.

I would have followed the dog owner until I got their information, if there was enough damage to my vehicle to be concerned. I feel bad their dog was injured, but they could say "I'm sorry this happened, here's our name and phone number, and we are rushing to the vet now".

Facts are stubborn things.