Lets see:
Civil unrest. Check.
Violence in the neighbourhood. Check.
A major pandemic. Check.
Wars or rummer of wars. Check.
Kids out of control. Check.
Parents that don't understand. Check.
Fast cars. Check.
Criminal activity. Check.
Sensationalizing news stories. Check.
New and exciting things. Check.
Kids are bored. Check.
Some things are a lot better then they were. Check.
Some things are worse then they were. Check
Things will never be the same. Check.

So, tell me again, what has changed? Every generation faces new and different challenges with new and different ideas then the generation before it. Its been this way as far back as my 63 year old mind can remember.
The Rapid Transit System was pretty cool in the late 60s and early 70s, but probably wouldn't be nearly as cool today. Gene