Good morning and Welcome Bill:

My name is Stewart Pomeroy, and I live in Tampa. I was a wannabe Chrysler racer during the early 70's. Now I collect old Chrysler Drag Racing Photos, and have about a thousand. I do not have many of the Ramcharger era unfortunately.
I am trying to get together a small private reunion of Chrysler people on the 15th of December, in Orlando during the PRI show. I would like to extend an invitation to you.

If I can do anything for you, let me know. I have the capability to scan slides, photos, and negatives and burn them to a disc. If you have any use for this service, let me know. There is NO CHARGE for this service, I would hope that you would let me keep a copy though. This is not for any commerical usage, just my personal collection

Stewart Pomeroy