Originally Posted by mr_340
Originally Posted by rickseeman
I bought my Sunnen dial bore gage (.0001") in 1977 for I believe $700. (About the same price as a Hemi convertible.) It seemed like a lot of money but it's the best. It's easy to use and you will really know your clearances. Today they are only $1,000. A few decades later I saved up enough to buy the Sunnen setting fixture. ($2,000.) You will start wanting one of those the day you get your dial bore gage. Don't be afraid to spend a lot of money on the best tools. They last a lifetime. 1977 was over 40 years ago.

I've bought a few Mitutoyu ring gauges to set my dial bore gauges. Is this the unit you have?


I believe the one he is talking about is the 2-6” dial bore gauge. The other one is not large enough for common rod and main bearing measurements. It is an awesome piece of equipment and will last for many decades with increadible repeatability.

1.50 60Ft. , 10.75@ 127MPH Hauling 3900 LBS.