A good long time friend of mine had a story from decades back. His 3 year old daughter started getting sick. It was late in the week and the Dr's office nurse heard the symptoms over the phone, said the Dr's are out, wait until Mon, give the child some pain medication and call us on Monday. Their insurance at the time has some seeing Dr restrictions so they sat tight. Sat night she got worse, so he took her to ER, the ER said this is more serious then they could handle, transported her to Pediatric Hospital. I visited that Hospital Mon Night, it looked serious, not sure the parents understood how so. I called my RN wife at the time, and wanted her to drop by hospital ASAP, she did on Tuesday, I donated Plasma for the child on Wed, she died Wed night.

The parents took the loss of their second child pretty hard. It sucked. They after awhile thought they had a valid legal malpractice case. I knew they were in over their heads when they both bought mid priced new cars and were looking at McMansions. One day he called me crying said he had been screwed. His wife evidently had signed paperwork in the beginning that the lawyers had full rights to settle, and the lawyers did, and after the lawyers cut, and all the "expenses"(BS inflated) They got nothing more. They eventually broke up and got divorced. The ex wife a few years later died of the same condition, a blood disease. My friend ran a lawn service business, he was always for years harping on how useful Round-up was for his line of work..

Last edited by jcc; 06/01/20 04:43 PM.

" All sorts of things can happen when you are open to new Ideas" Inventor of Kevlar