Hi All,

I been asking around about my Durango stalling problem, and someone suggested finding the computer and seeing if the connections are working like they should. That said we located it today, took it apart and cleaned it . Like the rest of the truck the connections were a bit rusty which could of been my problem. While we were cleaning the connections we decided to reset the pcm by disconnecting the negative battery cable and letting it sit. After that was done I took it out for a 15-20 minute ride, and it ran great. However I did order a crank sensor and it shipped today. That will still be put in although we did this work today

Last edited by SportFuryS/23383; 05/27/20 08:50 PM.

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)