I did that a few years back, that sucks baaaaaaaaaaaad! I found the one thing that helps the most is hanging upside down on an inversion table. The chiropractor helped butt I was not about to keep spending that much money every week so he said find a used table on CL or in a thrift store (found mine at salvation army). 5 minutes on that seems to help a bunch immediately. If I use it for a few minutes right before sleeping it helps me sleep way better or also I use it as it starts to flare up again in the day. I been doing it a few years now (yes it takes a long time to recover) and it has absolutely been a life saver. Once I got functional I imposed a 50# limit on myself for lifting as anytime I push it the sciatica lets me know it is still there.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!