I would replace the pump bushing and seal. Hard to tell in the picture but the hub looks like it has a lot of runout. Max I think is .008”.

Your first pic has litle wear, then the next has more and so on. The other possibility is when you pull the converter up to the flex plate and in to the crank, that it’s bound in the crank pilot. When you install the converter bolts if it doesn’t seat itself this will contribute to excessively runout as well. Always lightly grease the crank pocket then pull the converter then start the bolts with your fingers but don’t tighten them until they are all statted. Then work your way around while snugging the bolts up.

For runout - hard to check in the field but if you had an old flywheel and laid it flat then laid the converter on it, turned the converter while you had a dial indicator on the hub, you should get < .008”. Of course this won’t work unless the flywheel is held on center.

I also see where the impeller hub has weld that looks like it’s been hitting something, I assume that is old and not new.

You also say leaks at bolts and both seals. Perimeter seal and Input seal are both wet ?

Nice pressure test setup- can’t get better than that.