I love my 2011 ram 1500 with the 6.4 SRT8 good MPG even towing my car trailer with a car on it. Tons of power. If the trailer is not loaded correctly though it gets funny feeling, if it is loaded just right even with a 4 door 3/4 long bed 2015 ram on the trailer it towed great. Even my 5.7 hemi 2011 tows great. If you have a really big trailer get a 3/4 with a BGE or 5.7. You can replace the entire engine for less than head gaskets on a diesel.

I own an auto repair shop and can't comprehend how people are OK owning diesels with the massive repair bills we see on them ALL THE TIME. Not unusual to see injectors or a melted piston in a cummins, injectors or headgaskets in a dirtymax, head gaskets, injectors and turbos on a 6.0 ferd and the owner will drop $5000 MINIMUM to fix em with a smile on their face. I just don't get it for what, maybe a couple more MPG? Maybe if you drop a pile o money on deletes and tuning an already much more expensive vehicle so you can use a more expensive fuel... to each their own I guess butt my money has much better things to do.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!