All the plugs are equally black none any shiner then the others. I initially thought a valley pan sucking oil as well but with all the cylinders being as black/sooty looking as they are I'm think its not the case.

I did the driver's side first, I would have tried it hot as well but the headers would give me 3rd degree burns trying to pull the plugs.

I think your right about the lifters being pumped up after I did the drivers side and why the passenger side looks better by the numbers. I'll try it again tomorrow after rotating it over and getting oil pressure up first.

Also there was a question about the spring in the carb secondary. It currently has a quick fuel adjustable secondary set up installed. I always thought it was better on its jetting as when started up cold it spits water/condensation from the tail pipes pretty good.

I remember my dad telling me stories about an old mechanic telling him how to clean his carboned flathead ford with a thermos of boiling hot water and borax down the carb when running. Not sure I want to try borax but I'm game for a steam clean or just some cleaner.

Last edited by PossessedDuster; 04/21/20 11:49 PM.