Born on the farm , razed on the farm ..

Things are not like they were at one time .Now, most of it is corporate farming . Sure, there is still some family farms but, they work incredible large plots of land ,

The equipment is beyond large , the combine heads which legally are told to take off to transport from place to place, rarely do .. 25-30 feet wide, take the entire road

The tractors are gigantic and ruin roads, bridges .. and, they pay ZERO road use tax . .. it is nothing to see 2-3 million dollars of equipment working a 100 acre field around here

We have corporate owned dairy's about 5 miles from me -- 16,000 head being milked 24/7/365 , the amount of hog confinements and all the waste they produce is unbelievable .

They all get huge government subsidies .. local farmer , has received near 4 million in the last 15 years ..

He spends all of that , on tractor pulls .. has several beautiful tractors .. I'd guess his building and tractors trucks to haul them would be near 2 million

Tough times indeed ..

Don't believe what the media wants to show you ..

Dumping milk, threatening to kill livestock , etc .. old ploys been here for years

snipet from 1983

''You kill hogs and dump milk and you get the spotlight,'' says NFO president DeVon Woodland, a cattle rancher from Blackfoot, Idaho. ''

The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.Proverbs 18:6