Originally Posted by Fat_Mike
Schools and restaurants closed. That's a huge part of the fresh fruits/vegetables market.

Well this is no excuse, the same amount of people need the same amount of food - doesn't matter where they eat it.

Same with the toilet paper thing - people need more tp (maybe not as much as they bought!) because instead of taking a dump at work or elsewhere, they're taking that crap at home - as well as everyone else in the home.

American dairy farmers have been screwed over for years. Trump thought he could ease the pain with the new NAFTA deal (whatever its called) by making Canada give access to our market. Well that markets open BUT consumers aren't buying the product. We seem to get just a little more patriotic every time the US pulls one of those stunts. Heinz ketchup was rotting on the shelves after they shut down the Leamington, Ontario plant !

As for turning under the crops, that could be a ploy to drive up prices. The ripple effect will be increased prices everywhere. That will have a major impact on US exports and it won't be a good one.