Originally Posted by rickseeman
My results are similar to yours. ARP makes real hard bolts. And trying to get them to stretch takes way more torque than I want to put on a little rod. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Sometimes I just torque them to the recommended torque realizing that I surely didn't get them to the stretch that it calls for. Bear in mind that everything is going to be fine and it's not going to come apart because you didn't get the proper stretch.

I am a victim of myself. I read or hear of a better way to do things that I have been doing successfully for years and feel compelled to at least try the "better way" . It almost always ends up this way or with no better results. Something in me has really changed with age. When I was 20 30 years old I knew everything and all was well in my mind . Now I seem to doubt and question all I do.