If there wasn't a posted official company policy covering what type or age of vehicle was allowed for employees to use, I would have tossed the paper in the trash.

If a company was that concerned about the vehicle I drive, it must be time for them to provide a vehicle for me.

If the company really wanted to follow through with the issue, they would have to be stupid enough to call me into the office to discuss the matter. It could get ugly real quickly.

There was more then one reason I was self employed by my early 30s.

I worked in a shop once that a few of the guys working there gave me a bunch of crap because of the old beater I was driving. One winter day, the weather turned real cold through the course of the day and was well below 0 at the end of the shift. My old beater was the only vehicle that started that night without some kind of assistance. They never gave me any crap about my beater after that day. Gene