Yes, "bump steer" will be the result. However, the severity of the angle or, the "out of level" tie rod condition you have will determine the amount of bump steer you'll have. I would suggest you remove the tie rod end from the tie rod (on one side of the tie rod), set them both (as separate parts) at level with the truck on the ground and then measure the "height" between the end of the tire rod and the tie rod end. This will tell you the amount of height offset you have between the 2 parts. There are some options for correcting this depending how far the tie rod to tie rod end is.

- Bending the tie rod end arm on the spindle (by using heat)
- There is an off-set tie rod end that I used in this same situation but I'm not sure about the "fit" on a Dakota
- Aftermarket dropped spindles

There may very well be other options that are Dakota-specific.

- EM