Off Topic, but what do most of you guys do for a living? not everyone can have hotrod shop, engine shop or a tuning shop that does well enough to float at least a couple hundred thousand dollars for the season to go race 9 events. is everyone self made? I would love to do this at a different level but the cost is so much money to be competitive(just to run a weekend series at the local track). how crazy expensive is this. and please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford because that is a BS answer.
There has to be a entrance cost because 40K just doesn't get donated?
the 100k at the end of the year is coming from somewhere?
There is the cost of a rig to tow and stay in, Food, Just taking time off from your job to be at the track Thursday night early Friday morning then get back home to be at work on Monday. I know my boss would not be happy if I told him I was going to work 3 days a week for the next 9 or 10 weeks because I was going racing. I think I would be asked to go back out the front door and don't come back

I feel this isn't just a grass roots racer thing by any stretch

I have not read nor heard anyone say where this money comes from.

Please help me understand, I just don't get it.

Last edited by 392Hemi; 12/07/19 11:36 AM.

Thank you