Originally Posted by madscientist
Originally Posted by HotRodDave
Originally Posted by dthemi
The reason I don't look for quench in supercharged engines is because every stupidly high powered one I've seen has none. Enough evidence for me. lol

I bet if they could they would, no reason the laws of physics would be suspended just because it is a higher pressure than 14.7 PSI. I would be willing to be the reason has more to do with other things that make more power than good quench would that prevent quench from being an easily acomplished goal. Things like big valves and compression ratio are just bigger factors than quench, for example... if good quench adds 20 HP but but a bigger valve might be worth 50HP and make it impossible or very hard to get quench witch one are you going to choose?

Did you read what poly wrote right above your post?

Quench is a band aid for issues with the combustion chamber. It isn't voodoo or magic. It CAN help suppress detonation in a crap combo.

And yes, I've tested this enough that it became redundant and a waste of money.

I've run .150 to .030 quench and if everything else was correct, there was zero HP. Timing stayed the same...as in if an engine needed 42 degrees total timing it didn't matter where the quench was it still took the same timing.

To use the term “band aid” in this, and so many other discussions usually shows a poor understanding of the ultimate goal.
Why would you not want to take advantage of every power stabilizing procedure you can when you are literally making the parts for a performance engine? As an example, why would anybody port a head? Is it just a band aid for getting the right head to begin with.
Why get or use a flow bench? Just buy heads that are made as you need them. Why add stroke to an engine? Band aid for buying a bigger engine to begin with... and on and on.

I have seen the effects of quench. My friend makes performance cylinder heads for aircraft engines. He has made more power on less fuel with more durability because of it. Testing/ proving is complex and expensive.He has logs of data on in- cylinder pressures for head to head comparisons.

"use it 'till it breaks, replace as needed"