As I am waiting for buddy to arrive with the golf cart, to be pulled back to our pit area, it gives me a chance to look over the car. Nothing dripping, no tire rub, just a nice peaceful day in the woods, on a chilly fall day. Then it runs through my head, "I wonder how it ran?" It felt decent, could it possibly have ran in the 9's? Now the suspense is killing me. A few minutes later, off in the distance, I can see a golf cart headed my way. My buddy driving, with his daughter next to him. But they are not alone. I spied the outline of a Paul Bunyan sized man, riding on the back. I think I know that guy... It's none other than HEMI Joel! Great, he's here to rub it in, that he doesn't have to buy me a steak dinner yet...


69 GTX 68 Road Runner