Towed the car to Brainerd on Friday to make the first test passes on the car. It hadn't moved under its own power in 40 years. I didn't arrive at the track until noon. Took my time getting there, as I was absolutely burned out, and it's no fun rushing things. Brainerd it the perfect track to shakedown a new car. The track is wide, extremely long shut down, and the pit area is massive, so you can drive the car around and get used to it. After paying for my tech card, it was time to drive the car around, get some heat into it, and make sure everything is functioning. As I backed away from the trailer, I hear a crunching sound. [censored]. Thought something in the front end was broke. Get out of the car, and notice my winch cable isn't pulled out like normal. "Who wound that up?" I thought... Looked under the car, and realized I forgot to unhook it from the K member. Pulled the cable out from under the car, and got lucky. No damage to the car, but now how was I going to load the car into the trailer? It sits too low to drive it in, and try to get out, as the doors will hit the inner fenders of the trailer. I'll worry about it later. Got back in the car, and drove it around the facility, and probably put 5 miles on the car, just in the pits. Never got over 140*. Back at the trailer, and everything looks good, so I head to the staging lanes. Figured I'd just make a nice easy pass, get the car to 60mph or so, and coast through. Just as I pull into the burnout box, the thought of making a 60' hit crosses my mind. Do a light burnout, stage the car, and as the tree is activated, I put the motor on the 2 step. It's still set from the old car at 5200. Lights go down, drop the clutch, and the launches straight as a arrow, shift light comes on at 6500, I grab second gear, still dead straight. Shift light comes on again, and I pull third, and it hits me, this was supposed to be a easy pass, don't push your luck, so I lifted, clicked it into 4th gear, and coasted the rest of the way down the track. With the long shutdown, it gave my plenty of time listen to things. No gear whine, nothing... pulled onto the return road, and pulled off to the side. Undid all my safety gear, and was going to make my way back the the trailer. When I hit the starter button, the starter would not engage. Battery voltage had gotten too low, as the alternator isn't completely hooked up. After some luck, I did manage to get the engine to wheel over, and fire up. I was almost to the ET shack when the engine started to stumble, and die. I had forgotten to turn the fuel pump back on... I thought to myself "Is this the first time you've ever raced?" With some more luck, I was able to get the engine refired , and back moving. As I drove down the pit road the engine started to sound horrible. Now what? A quick inspection showed the header gaskets were leaking. My spare header gaskets were forgotten at home. Went to another Mopar racer and asked if he had a spare set. "Got a used set you can have." I take them. Got the gaskets replaced, and fire the engine back up. Still making a odd noise. Pull the passenger side valve cover, and everything looks great. Onto the driver side. Didn't take long to see the problem. The rocker shaft hold down bolt had backed out, causing the #7 cylinder rockers to open up the lash. Tightened that back down, checked the lash, and everything was good again. Just as I was buttoning everything up, the staging lanes closed. Guess I'll have to wait for the next day.

Last edited by JERICOGTX; 09/08/19 01:13 AM.

69 GTX 68 Road Runner