Originally Posted by jughed
Originally Posted by Al_Alguire
All Im gonna say about the KB deal is good luck...

I agree.
vendors who have ordered numerous blocks will be taken care of by KB. Individuals will be ignored.

I think if its anyone other than FHO the vendors still aren't getting blocks. Didnt FHO post not too long ago about expecting more blocks and soon. That was a completely different story than I got wHen I talked to the other vendors.

From what I heard no wedge blocks have been cast. Remember when the people from KB were on here promoting the block. Now nothing but crickets.

Pretty pissed. I had all the parts for LB's. But since KB wasn't doing a LB I went out and got a RB intake, rods and other misc parts to build a RB. Now it seems like I wouldn't have had to do all of that, could have saved some money.
