Originally Posted by MidPenMopar
How in the heck did it not see me is my question as it was 0900 hours and bright daylight. shruggy

They see you just fine - they just don't care.

Some years back I was going down a back road, one came out of the bush, I hit the brakes and changed lanes. I don't know why the dumb thing didn't slam my passenger door but maybe I startled it and it hit the brakes too. I hadn't completely stopped and it apparently really wanted to cross the road so it took off next to me and trying to cut in front. I punched it and got outta there. My regret is not hip checking it back in to the bush.

In this part of the world it's not the deer you see in the road that ya gotta watch out for - it's his buddy 20 feet behind and trying to catch up. Hit your brakes for the first one then wait for the other one to come flying blind across the road. That's how I hammered one with my RC a few years ago. 6 am, a mile from the house, dragging myself in to work, not entirely awake. One crosses, the other one is way in the field, next thing I know I sticking my grille guard in it's ear.