Don one of the problems everyone is having is you have no VIN or VON or SPD or Build Sequence that would be on the Broad Cast Sheet. An old ownership or insurance slip or what ever could help you with a VIN. The Car in the Video is said to be the Challenger. Hard to tell stuff from a picture. I know the person that took the Video, he is a Mopar guy from Quebec and knows a lot about Mopars and maybe I will have to phone him up and talk with him to see if he took a few better pictures of the sign or fender tag or broadcast sheet when he took the Video. One thing in the Video of the FM3 Cuda is I sold John Smith that Shaker Hood before he restored it. I think the Cuda had hit a deer. A lot of people have been asking me about this Challenger. I knew of its existence but have never seen it is person as it was always on the West Coast so I do not know the information I have on it is correct or even the same Challenger. Blue is pretty common on these car if that was the original color. So Don take a look around at old paper work and see what you have. I have a June Built 1971 Hemi Challenger, it is the last one built also for Canadian Sales but not the last one ever to be built. It is a loaded race car so not all drag cars lacked options. The Purple car has a 616 SPD and he has paper work saying it would be built and the paper work Chrysler sent him by June 23rd so after that date, so the FC7 Challenger from New York has a June Door sticker so it could of been built as late as Wednesday June 30th 1971. Another late Challenger has a SPD of 609 but is very close to the FC7 Challenger in Serial Numbers, this Challenger was likely pushed up to be built being an R Code Von but really you had to be in the plant to know what happened. All the numbers in the world including date codes does not tell a complete story on what day a car was built. You can get very close but you need paper work. Late 1971 Hemi Cars, had November 1968 casting dates, the FC7 NY State Challenger casting date for the block is Jan. 1970 the normal time most blocks were cast for 1971 E Bodies. So even looking at all this the is no common things happing with the E Body Build at the end of the Year. No sure if Chrysler really cared about a Lawyer or a Lawsuit. They have plenty of Lawyers on the payroll for just this kind of things if a person thinks they could sue and win a cast of a Challenger not being built.