Originally Posted by cudatom
Originally Posted by nss guy
It's sad to see that the majority is 50-69 yrs old. Drag racing is a lot of sitting around and wait for your less than 20 seconds of fun. I don't think the "I want it now" generation enjoys the pace. I went to local bracket race last Saturday, got there before 10am (gates opened at 9am), ran 3rd round at 6:30pm ( got beat) they probably finished around 10pm. 12 plus hours for a weekly bracket race.

Were you Quaker City? I can remember when they ran on Sundays and not getting out till 1-2am Monday morning

I was at Kilkare trying to get a little practice in for the upcoming Buckeye S/SS race and the Chrysler Classic. I didn't mean to sound so negative but as you can see by the poll we need more young people to come into the sport. I am a young 61. lol