I'm still a wet behind the ears 32...Been going to the track every weekend for a long time, but I started racing jrs in 95. This will be my 25th year of driving. I can count on 1 hand how many pt races I have missed in the last 24 years, but this year I'm taking a much difference approach. With all the hectic of keeping 2 cars up and running and dedicating yourself every week I need a break. Plus not seeing eye to eye with some of the track management ideas and doings for how they really feel about racers. I'm taking a step back this year and only going to race once and awhile. Maybe if they would actually listen to the racers their car count wouldn't keep decreasing, but hey as I've been told its not my track. But the big thing is wife and I have a pretty big home improvement project planned so going to spend my time on that and race when I have time and feel like it.