One quick comment that someone else may have touched on already... some of the rockers being talked about, e.g., the "original" Harland Sharps, have a very long fulcrum that biases the valve tip sweep pattern noticeably to the exhaust side of the tip. Hughes are on the long side, but not to the extreme as the standard Harland Sharps. For some folks this isn't anything they're concerned about. For others (like myself), I don't like to run things that way.

The rockers that I recall that are better suited (not saying "perfect") to being able to bolt down and not have this tendency are Crane Golds, Harland Sharp's "E" rockers (made shorter for Edelbrocks), and -- I think -- COMP's Pro Magnum steel rockers. Oh, and the old RAS stuff I believe falls into this category.

AndyF has done a lot of rocker / head mock-ups and may be willing to comment on this further. And I'd expect that Mike at B3RE can make a shaft relocation kit to help the worst offenders.

Carry on...