Originally Posted by hemicar1971
This is one reason why a lot of us collect information. Some have lists of motor and transmission, broadcast sheets and of people that have pieces from a certain body. Many of us have united these kinds of parts with the owners of the body or vehicle. Barry has a vast amount or this information on 1970 Vehicles. At times we all ask each other if we know about a certain car to reunite a piece with the owner of a vehicle.

As for this serial number you are asking about. I would have the owner or lady do some leg work with previous owners and try to trace back and ask those people involve what might of happened. Were I worked in an Automotive plant the same stamping tool was used to stamp the block and the transmission. If this was done in all Chrysler Plants then the stamp on the motor should be the same as on the transmission, With a serial number example 0B123456 you would only have to move the numbers and only a few numbers going from one vehicle to another at most times. The 0 is for the year and would never change, the B is for the plant and also should never be removed or changed in the stamp only the numbers would vary to the next bodies serial number.

It was bought at an auction so previous owners are not available, probably on purpose. Looking at the stamps, they are obvious hardware store stamps. I told her to drive it and have fun.